Hello Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management!
We are proud to welcome our latest client, the Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management (”Svenska Jägareförbundet” in Swedish), with whom we are conducting extensive branding work. In addition, we support them with everything from membership mailings to social media management.
Founded in 1830, the Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management is Sweden’s oldest and largest wildlife conservation organization, boasting over 150,000 members. Established to strengthen the game populations of the time, the association now works to promote long-term sustainability in hunting, wildlife conservation, and biodiversity. Their mission includes ensuring species-rich and viable game populations within a sustainable ecosystem.
To raise awareness about the scope of their activities, You Are Here has been entrusted with leading their branding efforts. “The branding work helps employees and elected representatives align towards a shared goal while strengthening the organization’s position and fostering growth. It also enhances their employer brand, attracting new talent to the association,” says Johanna Fahlén, Art Director at You Are Here.